My new home for the next 18 months in Trujillo, Honduras is Farm of the Child, or Finca de los NInos a Catholic mission comprised of an orphanage, elementary and middle school, and medical clinic. Honduras is the poorest and least developed country in Central America, with an abundance of poverty, violence, crime, and disease. According to 2016 WorldBank statistics, 66% of Hondurans live in poverty and rural areas, and one in five live on less than $1.90 per day. These conditions often weaken or completely destroy families. La FInca provides education, health care, spiritual formation and community outreach programs to stand in the gap in a small but powerful way. By providing a foundation of faith, a quality education, and a loving family, the FINCA team of Franciscan sisters, lay missionaries, and Honduran house parents/tias work together to set the orphans and local children on the path toward a hopeful future. Together, they seek to carry on the mission of Christ who said, "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free" (Luke 4:13). The mission team seeks solidarity with those we serve while working to better  their circumstances. The missionary community that I will be a part of is founded upon the four pillars of community, spirituality, service, and simple living. We accept the joyful challenge of our mission statement:

Farm of the Child Mission Statement:

In gratitude for the deep love Jesus  gives us
We  decide to unite ourselves and form a community
to care for needy children and promote the development
of a productive society of devout Christians.

Learn more about the mission at: